29 January 2007

Northern Monkeys & The Stench Of Fear

So last weekend BNC had a much promised and often postponed team building op for the corp and 50 BNC/E set off from Delve, we went pretty much right round the map with gangs fluctuating from 20 to 55 over the weekend.

This week DICE go on a bit of a trip up north, not sure about gang sizes but probably similar to ours. Of course they were spotted moving a couple of freighter loads of supplies to H-PA and our latest wannabe News of the World reporter decides it's an invasion!

Coincidentally MC declare war on some of the northern monkeys as they've been contracted to hit them.


So obviously with one corp on holiday up there and MC declaring war it's a full on invasion.

Then this comedy happens.


So they only had the following alliances all NAP'd and friendly...

D2 - 2206
IRON - 665
FLA - 1168
Morsus Mihi - 1012
RAZOR - 937

Total = 5988

BoB = 1888
MC = 315 (and who knows how long these guys will be on contract but let's include them at the moment for shits and giggles)

Total = 2203

Sooooo despite the fact that D2 and IRON especially will spout all over the forums about how uber they are whenever we stick a forum post in their ribs and laugh at them for being the new ASCN.... the fact that they outnumber us 2.7 to 1 is STILL not enough and they go and NAP Triumvirate who have been shooting at them for months!

Add another 151 pilots to the D2 NAPtrain.

Numbers won't put us off, the 5000+ in ASCN when we started dismantling them didn't put us off and the northern monkey's amassing 5-6000 pilots won't put us off if we decide to hit them either.

However, I can't help pointing and laughing at how far the mighty D2 have fallen from their days as G. They must seriously have zero pride whatsoever.

It's utterly hilarious how much of a spin we can send the silly buggers up north without even trying.

The joke will be on them in the end though, I'm laughing already.


Anonymous said...

yeah dude, i bet.

anyways, i hear anyone can join DICE for 200 mil right? Whats the pride in that?

Now listen up.

ASCN were deafeated. Damn nice job I must say, no pun intended. You both fought, won and lost many battles, and you ganked them up their asses.

Why ASCN lost.

They had shit for player base (not numbers...but skill, oh and their leadership was shit) and allies.

Say D2 came down to help them out, maybe an IRON war dec on BoB at that same time. Hmmmm, lets think on that one heh?

Now look at the north. The NAP train they have now, put them way over what ASCN ever was.

D2 has prolly 200 active people able to field a real fleet. IRON has maybe 60, FLA None (fucking tards that they are...) Razor who knows..30?, and MM, maybe 100.

ASCN - 600. 600 what? t1 cruisers, haha.

Point is, instead of the north saying yeah bob, we'll fight you (unstratigicly) 1v1, and let you kick are asses, we decide to do the smart thing, with 0 cowardice, and band together, you know, its a band of brothers sort of thing.

I dont get why your guys totaly spam the eve-o forums with trash talk about the north being panzies and cowards on the nap train. Its a smart stratigic thing to do when facing the super power of eve rite?

awaiting reply.

NJL said...


To paraphrase Mr Ballsy anon.

"Omgz honner! I heared some solid stuff about joining dice for eleventy billion dollars! it must be true this guy said it!"

You're retarded.

(Random unsubstantiated conjecture about what fleets the north can field, and why they napped another 200 pilots...)

You're still retarded.

50 pilots != invasion was the point.

MC != BoB was the other.

Anything else exists (to its woe) in your head.

Nice blog anyway BL, Will be nice to read once RAblob heads your way (assuming LV fares not so well vs months of lagtastic battles).


Anonymous said...

yeah, err, ok.

Your cockyiness must mean your BoB.

Anyways... My point was that the NAP train up north could sustain a full on attack by BoB.

Dont talk your shit unless your gonna back it up BTW neil.

And just so ya know, your DICE members talk shit in local about it all the time (intrance fee).

Anonymous said...

well mister anonymous has a point. there's simply no rational reason for neil to reply in such manners.....

leaving aside the weakpoints of ASCN and its leadership (i'm an ex-member, i dont need to be told how they were...), D2 seems to be well determined to actually prove itself against BOB.

However like any motivation-based action, overdoing it might actually be an energy and morale sink for them, it is indeed silly to assume that DICE's fun-seaking campaign is an invasion (fun yes, i will leave it at that and wont try to assume any hidden objectives behind their actions cuz i dont know much about it anyways). that excesive reaction might turn into a HUGE weakpoint for D2. But it might not, its where i agree with doctor anonymous there:

D2's NAPtrain, as BL called it, does seem solid indeed (most of it at least) we've fought against them in SA/ASCN, and it seemed to be so -regardless of the results of the 2 wars-. So IMO north naps are indeed a smart move, i personally fail to see it as a cowardice action.

what i think about their excessive reaction is that its a simulation for a BoB invasion, ofc the scale of the events is gonna be totally different, but if D2 + friends actually proved to themselves they can pass the drill with good marks, or even trained their nerves on dealing with a part of bob, their morale will be boosted whether the outcome of such skirmish was significant to BOB or not. its true that its just dice now, but who knows if a full invasion from either sides is gonna occur or not, its something hard even for the envolved sides to anticipate accurately.

but again, if they are just overdoing it without proper calculation and without any agenda/objectives achievements. then D2 can kiss its ass goodbye...

oh btw, BL i dont think u should, in anyway, compare D2 to ASCN when it comes to pvping skills. i dunno much about D2, but i know alot about ASCN, it was just.. lets say... unique... u know..

Northernmonkey said...

Personally and tbfh with you BL you are right about the whole thing going on "up north" atm. It has been going on for a while, i.e. the paranoia and rumor mill.

I am not sure when it started or who orchestrated it. It, at times makes me laugh and shake my head in disbelief at the general player's assumptions atm.

BoB have, for as long as i have resided up here (two and a half yrs), been the "boogeyman" in our collective psyche. Infact you are the EvE "boogeyman" and you know it, you use it to your advantage at every opportunity and you enjoy it (i beleive) alot. That is fine.

Yes there is alot of "omg we're Next!!!" going on up here at the moment by the "general populous" If it happens it happens, so be it.

As to the numbers you are quoting you are somewhat over projecting the qty of "actual" players, yes 6000 might be the total "members" it is by no means the total "actual" players an opponent would face in a fight, you know that as well.

So in conclusion Yes the North is "wound" up all Nap-happy.
Will it help? If we were indeed invaded? Not sure this time just like i wasn't sure during the "Road-Trip".

Have you invaded? lol hell no, least not yet. Will you invade? well only you know that, see you when we see you.

ps. Enjoy your Blogs (even the ones that hurt my feelings :) )

Anonymous said...

In response to the well written response by northernmonkey, you state that the whole northern NAP doesnt have 6000 actual players, fair enough, but then again BoB+MC doesnt actually have 2300 players either.

so roughly the 2.5-3:1 ratio is true in both characters and players.

It will be interesting to see if BoB are just teasing about an invasion, or whether they are serious. When/If the war begins it should be far more interesting then the ASCN fight. taking over 20 ASCN/POS stations in 2 months was a joke really.

Anonymous said...

I hope they (D2) get their shit together and have a go at it.

Would definitely make things interesting.

Anonymous said...

omg get a clue BL

bah whatever, Dark Messiah is way more interesting than Eve atm

cya Turk

Anonymous said...

Nothing you have done, or will do, will ever amount to anything more than what the other anonymous posters above have stated, starting with the one wanting to buy a Sabre BPO.

It can be true, it can be false, but it honestly no longer matters. Quite frankly, I hope it is all true and worse than it actually appears to be, that way it won't all be an egregious mistake that has potentially taken it all away from you for no good reason.

Anonymous said...

BoB undone. At this point, it no longer matters what BoB has or will accomplish. They will go down in EVE history as cheaters. Even if by some odd miracle no one in BoB knew about it or a dev didn't give any favoritism or intel, who will believe them? The reputation of the alliance is tarnished beyond repair.

If BoB never had a dev, would they have still beaten ASCN? This question will linger in the minds of many and there is no way for them to prove that you did win without dev help.

NJL said...

Yeah, because none of the alliances poised against BoB have EVER cheated/exploited complexes/logoff(on)skied, you name it. ISK farming/selling/whatever, take your pick.

If i had to choose between the partial dodginess by BoB, or the outright metagaming/crap from RAGOON, i know who i'll choose.

Whinge elsewhere, oh brave anon.

Anonymous said...

Just about all of BoB's current enemies hated ASCN with a passion. Instead of abuseing ASCN like the meatsheild they where you go off and kill them....Then start the current mess you're in. Real slick move there.

One last thing. BoB failed to tie up all the loose ends from the old ASCN. I feel those "loose ends" will return to haunt BoB when it least needs it most. They're just sitting back and watching how things play out, waiting for the right time to move. Again another real slick move from the "masters".

Anonymous said...

Wow BOB, i thought u guys were pretty cool.. i cant believe u were getting an unfair advantage from the devs. I know members of my alliance (FREGE) will be joining the ganksquads to BoB space w/ Goon, RA, Ka-Tet, TCF, Curse, and POS. We are also a 1000+ alliance. With D2 NAP train up north , it doesnt look too good for u.

Anonymous said...

Goddamit, can't you come up with a better excuse for losing than "it was a field trip".

FFS. I've heard it that many times and I'm sick of it.

Get your arses down here NOW and bring it already. And when ur mining veld in Kisogo, don't go posting on the forums that it was a fucking field trip.

Anonymous said...

A long time ago, I played a marginal sport, and was involved in tournaments and leagues and so-on. There was one team that always won. They were the best, they knew it, and they all knew every trick in the book. My team went up against them so many times, we proved ourselves the only team to be able to come close, and to beat them regularly, but never over the 2-legged games required to win tournaments. Our reputation was founded on being 100% clean and by-the-rulebook. Which it had to be, because myself and another member of the team used to organise many of the events, and in fact wrote the rules. The first time one of our players was kicked out of a game for breaking the rules, after two years or more of faultless play in all league and big tournament games, all that we had worked so hard to build (our reputation) was out the window. We were cheats.

I imagine BoB members feel exactly that now, and believe me it sucks, especially how the most hysterical over-reaction comes from the hypocrite-swarm (sorry, Hackswarm).

Show me an alliance that doesn't have Devs in it and has achieved anything in eve. The same things that attract the average joe to an alliance attract the devs too - because when they play they are going through the same processes as the average joe.

Show me an alliance that doesn't ahve account shares, doesn't have complex farmers, doesn't have a shed load of t2 bpo's. Hell, complex farming is the same as farming belts, just the loot is better.

FFS, you all hate BoB, for no other reason than they are the best. Now t20's stupidity has given you another reason to hate them, and suddenly it becomes open season with any and every single bit of tin-foil ass-hattery being assumed to be true by amazing leaps of faith and assumption.

I really do wonder sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Well... its also because they are assholes on the forum and smear everyone, its like they want whats about to happen to them to happen ;-)

Anonymous said...

And the goons are just a paragon of virtue on the forum, yes? No? Oh, maybe Xirt? Um... no... hold on I'll think of a good one in a minute ...

Anonymous said...

There is something you all have forgotten. Something that D2 & company seems oblivious to.

For a very long time now, BoB has sown the seeds to friendship with a great number of nieghbors.

We know that BoB can rock up into the north and start raising hell, but does anyone actually think that D2 can penetrate the south?

You can travel from one end of BoB to the next and although you will be hunted every single step of the way, you may never see a member of BoB.

Think about that.

Anonymous said...

bring dreads and bob has no choice... they got to show up

Blacklight said...

Deleted a couple of comments with no content other than "waaagh BoB cheat" or some other drivel.

If you want to reply to my blog at least borrow more than the 1 active brain cell your local village idiot is using this week to consider your post before you make it.

I'll reply to a few of the other comments this week when I do a full update of the blog.

Blacklight said...

"Point is, instead of the north saying yeah bob, we'll fight you (unstratigicly) 1v1, and let you kick are asses, we decide to do the smart thing, with 0 cowardice, and band together, you know, its a band of brothers sort of thing.

I dont get why your guys totaly spam the eve-o forums with trash talk about the north being panzies and cowards on the nap train. Its a smart stratigic thing to do when facing the super power of eve rite?"

We trash talk the north for two reasons. Firstly, to provoke a reaction which we've been trying to get for over a year now. The fact that the mighty north hate us so much and yet wouldn't respond to our provocation until we were also engaged by most of the rest of Eve's 0.0 alliances speaks volumes and leads me into the second reason we trash talk the north.

Secondly, the northern alliances all think they are much better than they actually are.

D2, Sparta, IRON, RZR, MM, PURE, Schism, CDC, Hydra, Rule of Three and Triumvirate all hitting us at the moment and lets not beat around the bush here they're getting collectively spanked by just BoB, FIX, MC and a small number of other allied corps (Coreli, Gunboat, Aftermath).

If D2 and all it's little buddies can't make any progress at all against us on two fronts after getting on for a month of fighting then who's been proven right about the capability of the northern alliances? It's not the braggarts in D2 and IRON who have been claiming the northern monkey's are as good as BoB that's for sure.

I'm sorry to say that D2 are a shadow of what they once were, they're a bloated carebear alliance like ASCN was. Whats funny about D2 at the moment as well is the fact that they're smacking all over the forums just like BoB used to and just like they used to hate us for doing. How the mighty have fallen, they've evolved into something shit to be quite honest.

IRON have always been a yappy little bunch of gankers that would never amount to anything on their own. RZR at least are quiet and don't yap like IRON do but have one half decent corp and a load of really crap ones. Morsus Mihi is basically a collection of corporations who have been spanked out of their former homes by BoB but to give them credit are willing to put up a decent fight. The rest don't amount to anything collectively or singularly.

However, out of the whole list there isn't a single alliance or pair or group of three alliances that can hold a candle to BoB in terms of capability.

That is why we trash talk the north and we've been proven to be 100% right on both counts a) no balls to take on BoB without the rest of Eve holding their hand b) even with massive numerical superiority can't acheive anything i.e. proven to be nowhere near as good as they claim to be.

Blacklight said...

"BoB undone. At this point, it no longer matters what BoB has or will accomplish. They will go down in EVE history as cheaters. Even if by some odd miracle no one in BoB knew about it or a dev didn't give any favoritism or intel, who will believe them? The reputation of the alliance is tarnished beyond repair.

If BoB never had a dev, would they have still beaten ASCN? This question will linger in the minds of many and there is no way for them to prove that you did win without dev help."

I've let this comment stand, so I can reply to it.

I could wax lyrical about the whole Dev involvement allegations etc but I'm going to do that in another blog. Instead I'll just reply very simply.

I don't play Eve to receive public adoration I play Eve to have fun with my mates online. Regardless of what a portion of the Eve community thinks of BoB or our reputation I and my friends will know what we have acheived and how much fun we had doing it. It's what we think that matters and not what a load of idiots who can't think for themselves believe about us.

Blacklight said...

"Goddamit, can't you come up with a better excuse for losing than "it was a field trip".

FFS. I've heard it that many times and I'm sick of it.

Get your arses down here NOW and bring it already. And when ur mining veld in Kisogo, don't go posting on the forums that it was a fucking field trip."

You sir are an idiot.

Blacklight said...

"Well... its also because they are assholes on the forum and smear everyone, its like they want whats about to happen to them to happen ;-)"

Ding, ding, we have a winner... well almost!

It's not "like they want whats about to happen to them" it's actually "they do want whats about to happen to them" no need for the word "like" in there :P

We've been trying to provoke the rest of Eve to take us on for well over a year now and FINALLY you all grow the stones to try it. It's just a shame that the issue has got clouded because of the actions of T20 (who is a fucking pillock by the way) instead of us having a massive RP motivated war it's got all these nasty RL/cheat overtones to it that are spoiling what will be an epic conflict.

Anonymous said...

cause lv isn't your ally... whatever


Anonymous said...

" We've been trying to provoke the rest of Eve to take us on for well over a year now and FINALLY you all grow the stones to try it. It's just a shame that the issue has got clouded because of the actions of T20 (who is a fucking pillock by the way) instead of us having a massive RP motivated war it's got all these nasty RL/cheat overtones to it that are spoiling what will be an epic conflict. "

Just doesn't seem possible that you or at least one of the other ceos of one of the BoB corps didn't have a clue this was going on, which is why the rest of BoB suffers for it. Rather demented, but welcome to real life.

In reguards to the other trashtalk reguarding coalition members, well, I'm sure I'll get a crack at you in game sometime :-)

Anonymous said...

yeah i remind the "Invasion" ;-) !
We wanted a fight against the Dice Monkeys!We had 4 Tech I Cruiser and they had 4 HACs in a System near EC-P8R!And what happened?They waited for support ... 18 more Tech II Cruisers!

Nice Blogs here ... get a life! :D

Blacklight said...

The irony of the final statement in the above comment gave me quite a chuckle.

Idiots, got to love 'em.

Blacklight said...

"Just doesn't seem possible that you or at least one of the other ceos of one of the BoB corps didn't have a clue this was going on, which is why the rest of BoB suffers for it. Rather demented, but welcome to real life."

We didn't know. If I'd have known I would have shopped the stupid fucker to Oveur on the spot.

It's actually immensely satisfying to be accused of cheating when you haven't been. I've taken a great deal of pleasure over the years in Eve of being accused of all sorts of Dev hacks when I know we've beaten people fairly and squarely.

There was never, is now and never will be any motivation to cheat at Eve and I know all the other BoB CEO's are wholeheartedly convinced of the same.

That makes T20's behaviour even harder on us than on the rest of the community, not only did the fucker cheat and that is simply not fair but he trashed our reputation and credibility overnight all be it that I don't want the approval of 99% of the tossers who believe all the drivel about us, it's still exceedingly dissapointing to know that someone from within your ranks cheated and that person was a Dev.

Amazing to some people perhaps but the fact remains, none of us knew about T20's cheating.

I still feel very strongly that the BoB guys should have a personal apology from T20 above and beyond the one he gave the community at large. I'm still royally pissed off with CCP's handling of the affair and only last week expressed my feelings to them again.

Don't believe all the spin and sensationalism from certain parties with a grudge against us, it's 99% bollocks.

Anonymous said...

it's easy to tell you why you've been outnumbered 2.7:1.

It's because loads of people think that your are arrogant jerks.

Everybody gets what they deserve, you will, the coalition will.