29 April 2005

Tunes For All Occasions

This should amuse, delight and horrify you... depending on your music taste of course Wink


Click Mixes and either select a year or search for a DJ, there's a couple of hundred mixes from the UK dance scene at it's best! You'll need realplayer to listen.

10 of my personal favourites include:-

Easygroove - Obsession 3rd Dimension (I was at this and remember this set, 10,000 people, massive warehouse, mental tunes, was a VERY messy party!)
Easygroove & Lisa - Fantazia takes you into 1992 (was one of my favourite tapes for years)
Easygroove - Fantazia Showcase (uber tunage, MC Bassman 4tw!)
Easygroove - Fantazia Second Sight (after Fantazia Summertime, which sadly isn't available on this site, this might be the best Easygroove set ever, 7 mins in "why do I always get the nutter" priceless and at 12:20 mins whatever that tune is I love it. The highlight of the set is at about 25:30 "You don't have to be Jesus" madness! We freaked a house party full of acid heads out sooo badly by playing this set loudly over and over, lol! OMG the more of this I listen too the more awesome tunage there is on here, side 2 at about 6mins wicked track.)
Pilgrim - Studio Set (I've lost my copy of this and was delighted to find it here, what an awesome set)
Grooverider - Universe Big Love (reminds me of Universe Tribal Gathering, DG will remember dancing our asses off to Grooverider there... not long before DG threw up after too many pills Wink )
Randall/Mickey Finn - AWOL (OMFG jungle!)
Producer/Tanith - Universe Mind, body & Soul (Technotastic, Producer and MC Ribbz 4tw \o/ )
Top Buzz - Big Bad Head NYE 1991 (omg Top Buzz on the mic at the start giving Londoners shit is hilarious.. "I'm from London and i don't give a fuck about 'em" haha. I actually always thought Top buzz were shite but the start of this set is just too funny)
DJ Hype - Helter Skelter (now that's dancing Jungle, no idea which Helter Skelter this was but there's a good chance DG or I were there, we went to a lot of helter Skelters because our friends and one of my ex's were stage dancers for them. Ooh 15mins in top jungle tune and at 24:30 another favourite!)

Any of the Easygroove, Ellis Dee and Mickey Finn sets rock as well tbh.

This is what I'm listening to when I'm blowing the good people of Eve up ;)

Enjoy Cool

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